Why You Should Choose Herbal Teas

Why You Should Choose Herbal Teas

Why You Should Choose Herbal Teas

A cup a day will keep all the stress of the world away. For centuries, tea has been used as a calming tool and with all the research that has emerged - we can see why this practice has remained in our world. Sit down, unwind and let the aroma light up the room, the warmth melt away any bit of anxiety your body holds and begin to experience the true height of relaxation. Keep reading to find out which tea will work best for you. 

Release Your Stress

Studies have shown that teas with lowered levels of caffeine (such as green tea and herbal teas) have been correlated with higher sleep quality and lessened levels of stress. No need to try out expensive tonics and tricks in an attempt to get rid of all your worries, try one of these teas for the next time you need to turn your mind off. 

Peppermint Tea

Contains menthol, menthone and limonene - which helps the body engage in relaxation as the body releases tension

Antiviral and antimicrobial 

Passion Flower Tea

Reduces cortisol (a stress hormone) 

Won't make you drowsy

Has a great smell that will help you relax

Strengthen Yourself

Starting to feel a cold come on? It’s time to wrap yourself in your thickest blanket, order in your favourite hot soupy dish and have a hot cup of tea in hand. While you’re sick, herbal teas can help you overcome a common cold much faster due to the different benefits herbs have on the human body. But, in order to strengthen your immunity as a whole we recommend regularly drinking a cup of herbal tea daily. Stay healthy for longer! 

Ginseng Tea

Increase overall health

Helps with the reproduction of white blood cells and stops further virus replication which makes the common cold last for a shorter amount of time

Turmeric Tea

Anti-inflammatory priorities that can help aid in relieving minor aches and pains

Helps your body build immunity 

Aid Your Digestive System

This drink can help the overall state of your digestive system as it can absorb gas, strengthen blood flow and eliminate anything that can upset your stomach or cause indigestion. Most herbal teas contain qualities that can aid in strengthening your stomach and oesophagus which, as a result, reduces heartburn and acid reflux. 

Ginger Tea

Contains gingerol and shogoal (phenols that stimulate digestive functions)

Interferes with serotonin receptions to help stop the feeling of nausea

Chamomile Tea

Helps soothe and relax the body
Very soft on your stomach